Fakirs,jugglers, sufis,pilgrims,etc.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


A keen sense of the body-isneeded BUT not that in the nacissistic sense that the prime and premium bodybuilders display or possess with their cuts,ripples,mass, also items such as, pecs, lats, abs and glutes as termed and shown graphically in Body Building now. For some, such physiques are grotesque,etc. The keen sense of the body needed for the Way of the Fakir is another matter. The Great Houdini, whom I shall discuss in my blogs under certain topics, was such a one who possessed a keen sense of body, being able to control tension and also relaxation as well as displaying a marvelous mastery of leverage.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


There are those who resort fo trickery,cleverness, and slyness and who 'shift-shapes' to accommodate situations. We can all learn from them if we are attentive, aware, and alert-that is, by not just seeing but OBSERVING. The best subject for all such 'frauds' is ourselves,since everyone has conflicts and contradictions that often cannot be resolved or even understood. More on all this at another time.


Intellectuals can tell you how many magic tricks and feats,many spiritual seances, and jiu-jitsu/aikido/QiGong demos-sessions and the like are done BUT they seldom can do them let alone duplicate them, at least to any real degree of satisfaction. Professional Debunkeers exist forevery known human subject,of course, and I confess that at times, I have tried to do so or attemtped to explain away phenomena that intrigued me, fascinated me, puzzled me or which I could not produce or emulate, at least with any confidence. Thus, all performances and practices that can be described as those found on the WAY OF THE FAKIR must be considered as ambiguous and the person(s) who are demonstrating this path seen in another light when possible. Sometimes what they do is unexplained or unexplainable,though everyone sees what happened and what they did but only a few can or are capable of OBSERVING, as has been said before.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Magicians,whether legendary or mythical or of the stage variety can be considered as part of this WAY OF THE FAKIR as can circus/carnival/fair/festival performers of various kinds, along with acrobatic troups and individual acrobats, and certain athletes and martial artists. As mentioned before, THE GREAT HOUDINI can be considered as being on the WAY OF THE MAGICIAN and THE WAY OF THE FAKIR. This subject and thesis needs to be expanded in future topics, of course,but anyone who cares to do research will discover this for themselves.