Fakirs,jugglers, sufis,pilgrims,etc.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


THE EFFORTS & SUFFERINGS OF THE FAKIR which is the FIRST WAY in the traditional ways of life which can take man from his ordinary way of thinking, acting, and feeling and turn him into something of which he has not real certainty that he will find freedom, his aim, life, salvation, or enlightenment or even POWER which is what often attracts many to this PATH.....The obvious physical sufferings, contortions, and  postures assumed or undertaken are started with little or no idea of the end game, the result, or the conclusion....often the FAKIR enjoys a certain amount of  attention by those thankful they do not have to undertake this path or way and can live a life of pleasure,etc.                 Few in THE FOURTH WAY,however, have any actual experience of this Way of the Fakir except for what they have been told or have read,etc. and perhaps have never actually met any such persons.....so that when they mention the FAKIR they are merely repeating mostly what others have said or have read in books by others.....To sit and listen to a FAKIR and to spend time in his presence, for most of the fakirs are men, though some women are such and were created as such in their childhood, as were some boys...I shall mention more on this another time......Fakirs are also seen in the most conspicuous places, such as, streets, open markets, bazaars, and in various places of 'entertainment' so no wonder that some of them are magicians and jugglers in the authentic meaning of the words....